Coach by elk | Purchasing a property? Have you thought about how you are going to fund it?
8 Jun 2021 by Ian Kebblewhite
Dear Elk Member,
Purchasing a property? Have you thought about how you are going to fund it?
Which Funder’s are you thinking of? What interest rates have you seen?
Securing a loan to purchase a property is a major financial decision and as you undertake that process, I am sure that you want to achieve the best possible outcome for you and your family. Is that fair to say?
How do you know you are on track to achieve the best possible outcome?
What are your top priorities with respect to the loan facility? What do you want and need to achieve?
Contact Elk Loans. We are Financiers, and are licensed to provide credit advice and assistance. We will ensure you have all the information necessary to form a considered opinion and to make a correct decision.
Like to talk more about these important questions, contact elk. Shoot us a quick message or email communication anytime, Otherwise, feel free to give us a call on 1300 669 363.
Continued good financial management,
Ian Kebblewhite
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