Estimate the value of your property | Using this free tool could help you value your current property, or a potential property you are interested in

16 Aug 2021 by Ian Kebblewhite

Dear Elk Member,

The purpose of this email communication is to offer you this useful property valuation tool - Vali.

See the link below:

Vali is a free to use valuation tool which is based on a database of over 13 million properties. Using it could help you value your current property, or a potential buy you are interested in.

You can use the Vali website to look up any property in Australia, generating a report listing estimated value, past and comparable sales, rental estimates, and other useful data.

Given that Australia’s dwelling sales to new listings ratio have hit an average of 1.4 in the three months to July being prepared is critical to success.

Dwelling sales continue to surge across Australia against low listings levels. In the three months to July, CoreLogic estimates there were around 171,000 sales. This is 53.4% higher than what has typically been seen this time of year for the previous five years. In the same period, there were just 121,200 newly advertised properties for sale in the three months to July.

This has taken the ‘sales to new listings ratio’ to recent highs nationally, at 1.4 over the three months to July. For the past decade, the ratio has averaged 0.9, suggesting for each listing added to market, there was just under one transaction that took place. 

Contact elk to ensure you are truly prepared and are also making the right moves – and all the moves you have to, to get where you really need to 

Continued good buying and selling,

Ian Kebblewhite

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